"Be not content with littleness," "Littleness is the offering you gave yourself," "You offered this in place of magnitude, and you accepted it."
Whenever I'm with my brother-in-law and I ask him if he wants something, his response is:
"I want everything that is coming to me."
I love that! Whether he is aware of it or not, he is living in magnitude. If we settle for less in our lives, we will surely attain it, but if we know that we deserve better we will attract better because we will live our lives expecting the best for ourselves.
This goes back to releasing our past and giving ourselves permission to live the life we choose, not the lives that our ancestors or our parents lived. What messages did you hear growing up?
- We can't afford that
- We may not have a lot of money but we have love
- We are _____________ (insert any job) and that's all our family will ever be
- Negative messages about affluent people and things they have
If we are to model magnitude to our children, we have to change our language. When we do this... our children will be raised expecting all great things to come to them. They will stop expecting less. They will start dreaming and believe that they can attain those dreams.
Modeling Magnitude For Your Children:
- Use positive messages with your children: "You can be whatever you want to be." "If you dream it you can be it"
- Take field trips to places that inspire and uplift
- Engage your kids in service to others
- Go for your own dreams and talk to your children about it ( starting a book, taking classes for your inspired career, connecting with your artistic side, taking dance)
- Talk about yourself in a loving way
- Emphasize that your child is worthy and so are you
Living in magnitude starts in our minds and in our speech. Once we align with our inner magnificence we will have the most abundance lives that we can imagine!