Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Embracing the Right To Vote Teaches Kids To Use Their Voice

It is so important to teach your kids the power of their voice.  It starts early on when they are given the choice of which snack to eat, or which color to wear, or what they want for their birthday.  All these little choices along the way begin to teach kids that they can think for themselves and that their voice matters and can change the outcome of their day.

When teaching young people the power of their voice it is vital that you support their opinions and avoid trying to make your child a "mini me," you know, a short person that thinks, chooses, and acts just like you. Although it may be cute to watch your child mimic you, it is not cute to see a whole family choosing hate or an entire family pushing their values on their children who may really be completely different in their opinion or what feels natural to them.

If you really want to raise empowered and compassionate kids... you will embrace their thoughts and their right to choose.  On this election day, we all have the right to choose, but it is important that in our choosing we model for our children how to be kind, loving, and compassionate to others who may not think the way we think.  Kids will emulate their parents to some degree, but realize that you are raising a unique individual who is a free thinker.  Show respect for their voice, respect their right without judgement and avoid pressuring them to be your "mini me."

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