Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 Resolutions vs. Intentions

We have all made them!  We have all broken them.  We often dread them!  Resolutions!  When the New Year rolls around we gear up to  resolve to lose weight, be kinder to others, stop procrastinating, eat healthier, work harder, make more money..... and what happens?  We make the same resolutions the very next year!

So, this year I did not make global resolutions, but that doesn't mean I don't expect great things for myself in 2013.  I believe in attracting great things to me and I intend to bring all awesome health, wealth, and love to me and those around me by not making resolutions but by setting positive intentions.  Here's the difference.

When you recognize that something in your life is out of whack or lacking, you may lean toward feeling guilty, bad, wrong, or less than when you compare yourself to others.  This feeling generates the resolution that is made out of a negative state instead of a positive one.  It is no wonder that we drop the ball on a resolution that we don't feel passionate about.

Intentions, on the other hand, is something that comes from a place of positive desire. A place of ownership and knowledge that we deserve it in our lives.  Intentions is a sacred contract between you and your Creator.  When I set an intention, I do it from my highest and best self because it will not only enhance my life but my intention is that it will also enhance those around me.

Intentions are made out of compassion and love for ourselves and for others.  If we choose to believe that we are divinely created and we are here on earth to be of selfless service and love others; then we will offer daily intentions that will be in harmony with our sacred path.

So, as the sun rises every morning; allow yourself the gift of time to set your daily intentions.  Believe in the power of that intention and stay positive.  Believe that what you put out into the universe will present itself.  Open yourself up to the sacred divinity within you and attract what you intend for your day.  You may choose to do that during your morning meditation, or you may choose to journal your intentions.  Writing them down is very powerful and is also a way to track when those intentions start showing up.

Then, as the sun sets; give yourself another gift.  Take time to be alone and offer gratitude for all the positive attractions that came into your day.  Open your heart space and fill yourself with love for your work, your family, and your life.  Set your intention for an awesome night sleep and to wake the next morning with the enthusiasm and energy you need to be a positive light in your world.

Above all, be in a state of love; for yourself and all other souls.  If you make only one intention... to be love in everything you think, say, and do, ... this one intention would be the greatest one of all.  Happy New Year everybody!


  1. Beautiful, as always! My intention for 2013 is mindfulness, in every area of my life. Wishing you and yours a year of LOVE.

  2. Thank you! I love your 2013 intention!
