Monday, February 3, 2014

We Are The Light

Tonight, we stand together to share our light.  It may not be a light that shines all over the world, but it could be.  Tonight, we are a light that shines in our community for the animals that cannot speak for themselves.  We come together to lead with love.  We don't agree with the killing of adoptable animals, but we can't allow ourselves to be pulled into the anger and the hate.  If we do, then we are no longer a part of the light. Change cannot happen if we lose focus and become a part of the darkness.  We must lead with love.

Tonight we shine our light to create change.  All the animal souls who  have died are with us. Their spirits are guiding us to be the change.  They are no longer sad, they are not bitter or angry... they willingly died to bring focus to this tragedy so that we could stand here tonight and say, "no more."  No more adoptable animals need to die, but as we stand with vigor, determination, and belief that things will change and are changing... we must stand and lead with love.  Choosing the darkness takes us away from the light and the light will get diminished and the journey will end.  Only love can win this.

So, do your part... speak your mind... but lead with love.

We had an amazing, peaceful, and meaningful rally tonight.  It does not end here.  Contact the Randolph SPCA and be a part of the change.

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