Monday, October 8, 2012

How Did You Know You Were Straight?

On this day of National Coming Out Week; I'd just like us to think for a moment about our own sexual orientation journey.   Exactly when did you know you were straight?  How did you find out?  Did someone guess?  Did someone gossip behind your back and you found out about it?  Did it get publicized on public television and you had to finally admit it?  Did you finally have to come out as straight to your parents because they were hammering you about why you wanted kids, and why you were hanging out with this other person who was not of your same gender?

Silly, right?  Not really, if you happen to be gay.  The world assumes that everyone is straight. It is expected. It has been deemed as moral.... but if you happen to be born gay.... the previous scenarios are all too familiar and can be devastating.  It shouldn't have to be that way and would be so much healthier if we could all explore our inner voice and live the lives we are created to be.

I implore you as parents to be open to your child's journey.  It is their journey to take and they were created to be there own special person... and that goes for their sexual orientation as well.  When they realize their own inner voice and if that voice is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or straight-surround them with unconditional love and embrace them.  Guide them to be who they are called to be-not to be you.  You've been there done that and now it is their turn to carve out the life that makes sense to them.

I applaud all of us who have been able to find our voice.  To be proud in the skin we are in.  To rid the shame of society's belief about who we should be.

Happy Coming Out Week!  If you'd like to tell your story; call in to Second Chances this Thursday at 9pmEST on

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