Thursday, October 11, 2012

Inspired Living, A Lesson for Us All!

I am a BACKER!  That’s right… I supported the inspiring efforts of Joel McClosky and Andrew Deming as they took an idea, followed their inspiration and enthusiasm, and never wavered in their unimaginable dream of funding a brewery, “first time ever in Randolph County.”  Even though my favorite passage in the Bible is, “Jesus turned the water into wine,” and I was thrilled when Lumina opened their doors, I couldn’t help myself when I saw that these guys were living their dream and not taking doubts for their answer!  I had to offer my support.

So, I will be one of the first to take a pour from these guys when Four Saints Brewery opens its door, not only because I am a BACKER, but because I believe in Second Chances and I believe in positive and affirming living.  They followed their love of beer and then used their imagination and positive beliefs to pull this off.

What a lesson to us all. ANYTHING is possible.  Yes, ANYTHING.  Which brings me to the Fifth Saint I’d like us to consider-St. Francis of Assisi.  The patron Saint of animals said, 
  "Not to hurt the creatures brethren is our first duty to them,
but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission -
to be of service to them wherever they require it."
Saint Francis

Randolph County just funded, FULLY FUNDED, even over and above what the goal was to establish a first time ever brewery in our county.  We, as a community can do ANYTHING that we put our minds, beliefs, time, effort, and money into.  We absolutely can.  So why do we still have over 7, 000 animals go through our animal shelter?  Why don’t we have enough foster homes for animals waiting for a forever home?  Why don’t we feel inspired to spay/neuter our animals so that generations of animals will be spared neglect, starvation, illness, and death?

I don’t have the answer for why…but I do know we can!  We can band together and do the right thing.  We can lower the numbers of animals that go to our shelter.  The shelter can be there to protect our county from diseased and aggressive animals, but we can realize a no kill shelter in this community if we first follow a higher mission to be of service to the animals that need us now.  

Three Cheers to Four Saints Brewery and its owners, Joel and Andrew for showing us once again-we can do ANYTHING.  Now, it’s our turn. What can you do to make a difference?

-DONATE to spay/neuter efforts at the shelter and through the Humane Society
-Be a foster parent
-Adopt an animal that needs you at the shelter

and then lets meet together and share a cold one!

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