Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A little BIT MORE!

Todays post from Face Book:  

Today is TAKE ON THE JOURNEY TUESDAY! We can choose to walk through life in a fog or we can be a part of our experience in such a way that we can be an active partner in the creation of our path.

I believe that we are all here to experience love, to be loved, and to love others. I believe this is the greatest journey we take.

On this journey, we will experience our lives on different levels. The first level is coming to earth and being born into our earthly family. That is the beginning; being loved. If our family is open, we will feel loved, we will be cared for, and we will earn to trust.

The second level is learning to reciprocate that love. We choose to connect to our family, our extended family and those that come into our lives at school and community. We will be taught how to be kind, how to be compassionate, and how to make choices that uplift others.

The third level is to connect the love we have learned and turn that into service for others. This service; this offering of our gifts, is how we put our love out into the world. When we choose to keep our eyes and hearts open we will be co-creators in the creation of our journey.

Choose to lead with love and be present.

Like the thought of the day?  Connect with me!

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